2018 Thematic Contest for The Carib Horizons Inc. Cup
11/02/2018 10:19
Our 2018 Thematic contest took place on Sunday October 28th, 2018 at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados.
Four (4) groups participated.
1. The Thematic Exhibit is of cacti &/or succulents.
2. Space: Base 24" x 24" provided by the BCSS. The base is lined with sand
3. Each entry shall consist of 8 plants in separate pots illustrating a theme which can be geographical or botanical.
4. Each entry must include a card on which the title is clearly written together with any additional explanatory information.
The judges: Rev. Wayne Ramsey, Mrs. Pamela Rudder and Mr. Charles Davis
1st Place: Theme - A Glimpse Under the Sea
2nd Place - Theme: Showcase of Succulents from South Africa to Barbados
3rd Place - Theme: Seaside Delight